My name is Reed Martin, candidate for Mayor of San Francisco, 2015. I care passionately about our city and shaping a grand future.

I'm excited to bring a unique background to San Francisco as your mayor. I worked as a designer for over a decade, and I'm fiercely obsessed with humanity, equality, culture, ecology, and diversity.

I've served on the executive board of the San Francisco Transit Riders, the Citizen Advisory Committee for Better Market Street, and campaigned for Props A and B (and no on L) last fall. I've worked with the City of Paris RATP and focused on urban quality of life through my organization Nextransit and at MIT.

As someone who has spent time working in the tech industry, I understand the power of technology to influence our lives, to bring us closer, and to shape a more equitable future. At the same time, the impact this industry has on our city has not always shared these values. Rising inequality, increasing homelessness, underfunded public services, and residents and businesses being priced out of the city are real. Those aren't Tech's values and those certainly aren't San Francisco values.

I'm staunchly independent and am running unaffiliated with any mainstream party. Our two-party system is not reflective of our population and serves to entrench political ideologies that are inflexible and outdated.

I don't support the pay-to-play politics we've seen in San Francisco politics and across the country, and I aim to help fight corruption locally and more broadly. San Francisco deserves better.

It's time to prove that economic vibrancy need not come at the cost of our city's residents. That the health of our city hinges on the quality of life of every San Franciscan. That we can take advantage of this moment to come together and shape greatness.

Thank you so much for your support! I truly appreciate your vote. Let's write the next chapter of San Francisco's story together.



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